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Future #4 on your team

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Class of 2025

Volleyball Court

My Story

Hello, my name is Debriana Gonzalez, my friends and coaches call me "Ree."  I am proud to say that I am a leader.  I did not always have it easy growing up, but I am grateful for my struggles.  My obstacles are what made my mindset strong, and it is through those struggles, that I learned to push through and find success.  I dare you to say I can't win.

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Serves & Sets

If you ask my team mates where I excel on the court, they would say setting and serving.  My serves are strong and consistent, my coaches have always been able to depend on putting me in to serve up the next point.  Setting is my pride and joy, my speed and hustle put me right under the ball every time - while my control, on the flip side, allows me to put the ball right where my hitters need it every time.

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Jumps & Height

They say big things come in small packages.

I might be only 5'1" but these quick, muscular legs of mine have hops!  I've had multiple coaches claim that I play like I'm 6'1" and considering my standing reach is only 78" - I'd say my vertical jump of 18.5" is pretty good!

Where I lack in height I definitely make up for it with my speed, which is important as the setter.  It took me a bit to realize who that little mouse was, but after a couple years of being called "Speedy Gonzalez" - I can definitely identify with the cute and fast little guy.


Health & Nutrition

I know how important nutrition is as an athlete, and I strive to eat healthy and stay hydrated.  I drink a lot of water everyday, always and also add good electrolytes and minerals as need.  On tournament days, you will not find me downing big heavy greasy meals - but instead, eating small healthy snacks like an avocado, peanut butter or protein chips.  Save the carb loading (pho please!) for after a long day of play!

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Jerica Haltiner, Tillamook Volleybal Club Head Coach / 503-812-6264

Molly Folkema, Tillamook Volleyball Club Assistant Coach / 503-440-7496

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